Criadores Argentinos de
Caballos Cuarto de Milla

Responsive web platform for the Argentine community of equine competitors on quarter horses.

CACCM or "Criadores Argentinos de Caballos Cuarto de Milla" participates in all activities related to quarter horses that take place in Argentina, although they also sponsor events around the world.

The product was born with the intention of making up for the lack of a common channel through which CACCM will communicate its competencies and auctions with the rural community of the region.

Work done: Branding, research, UX design, UI design.

Sitio en construcción

Desarrollo Web Para Criadores De Caballos Cuartos de Milla

CACCM o "Criadores Argentinos de Caballos Cuarto de Milla" participan en todas las actividades relacionadas con los caballos cuarto de milla que tengan lugar en Argentina, aun que también patrocinan eventos en todo el mundo.


CACCM es administrado por una grupo de personas con fuertes conexiones hacia el mundo rural. Desde la empresa se encargan de organizar las competencias equinas del tipo de caballo que trabajan, y a su vez asisten a cualquier persona con dudas en el tema.


También necesitaban un sistema a través del cual pudieran darle la posibilidad a sus clientes de inscribirse tanto a eventos como a ciertos servicios que brindan en la empresa. Algunos de ellos son solicitud de membresías, solicitud de transferencia, entre otros.


CACCM precisaba un sistema de posteo de eventos para sus caballos. Por cada evento que se organizaba, debían poder subir una invitación al mismo, a través del cual la gente se pudiera inscribir. Cada evento debía contar con el nombre correspondiente y una breve descripción.

Diseño en baja filedidad

Wireframing and organizing content

The web was structured in different sections and tabs through the "card-sorting" system, where the content was grouped based on what users defined as groups of similar information.

wireframe caccm 1wireframe caccwireframe caccm 2wireframe 5

Brand Kit, color palette and fonts

The brand kit was designed based on the company's logo, which was requested not to be redesigned. Under these terms, wanting to convey a serious and responsible image to CACCM clients, sober colors were used in their different opacity scales. For the typography of the titles, a serif letter was thought to denote a classic style that would better connect with potential clients, mostly traditional country people, for which Times New Roman was used.

logo caccm


Times New Roman - Regular - 40 px


PT Sans - Bold - 20px


PT Sans - Regular - 18 px


PT Sans - Regular - 18 px


The home section was designed so that users have a clear idea of ​​what CACCM is about from the start. A clear image of some quarter horse racing in the pampas, and a centered headline with the company name serve their purpose perfectly. The navigation bar contains an option for each section of the web. The client requested to display two logos in the navigation. The one on the left is from CACCM and the one on the right is from one of the company's sponsors. It was a requirement that the NavBar have both logos.

screen hero 3
screen hero
screen nosotros 2

About us

The section "About us" describes in a couple of paragraphs what CACCM does daily indoors. It gives users a clue as to who is behind the business and what mission and vision they have for the company.

This section has part of the history of CACCM displayed in figures, thus showing the growth they had over the years and all their journey. This tells future clients that they are dealing with an experienced and trustworthy business that will handle their problems better than anyone else.

screen nosotros


CACCM offers the best possible user experience to its clients. Throughout the year, multiple horse events are held in different countries and CACCM offers its clients the possibility of registering through the website. Each event has a specific date displayed so that the user knows if he or she will be able to attend the event before completing the registration process. In case the date is not yet defined, the page will block the "Registration" button until the date is confirmed.

mockup eventos


Users have access to a form section, where they can register for different services provided by CACCM. Some of them are: request for membership as a breeder partner, request for transfer of horses, registration for exhibitions, etc.

The most required service is the registration for exhibitions, so we decided to make an online form so that the user can complete it and send it directly through the web, instead of sending the PDF form by mail.

mockup formularios


The contact section has two main functions. The first is to allow any user to send a quick message to CACCM through the mail form on the left. Some contact information is displayed on the right hand side, along with a map indicating where the CACCM offices can be found.

There is also a footer with more contact information including address, phone number, email, and social media.

mockup de contacto
mockup de contacto 2

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